Thursday, December 24, 2009

Abobo's Last Stand '89 (Attract Mode)

Camera demo

This is the coolest demo thus far as it shows more of the inner workings of the game engine and what it's capable of. The engine is quite beautifully put together and allows for some neat effects, such as multiple cameras and on-screen view ports. It's even possible to load multiple worlds and control a character in each one.

Crossing the Bridge

I uploaded this last week to YouTube.

I was having too much fun with the game engine. I figured I'd see what I could to create a scene with an interesting mood. This is just a simple mock-up of a foggy bridge scene. This took about half an hour to create with the game engine and GIMP to edit the images.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

What if Double Dragon fighting room was in 3D?

Yet another quick demo. This one is cool as I reconstructed a room from Double Dragon in 3D and then had some fun with the camera.

Quick game world demo

Here's an update. I've refactored just about all the code so that it's now using a new object-based engine. I really can't describe it in a few words, but the benefit of it is that creating games with the game engine should be much easier.

Here's a demo of the game world in action, the last bit to be refactored.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Some Old Screenshots

Since I'm just now starting to publicize this game engine that I'm working on, I realize it's worth putting up more screenshots. Unfortunately, I can't post screenshots of the current beat 'em up portion of the game engine as it's being refactored (that work should be done in a few days). In that case, I'll post some really old screenshots from 2.5 to 1.5 years ago. :P I promise to put up some more modern screenshots once I have the refactored work done.

From May 2007: This is a screenshot of an early version of the game engine after I recently ported it over from the Game Boy Advance to Windows. I had a lot of fun being able to populate the game world with multiple entities.

From March 2008: I did these after I redid the rendering portion so that it used OpenGL. I also added health bars and text balloons at this point so that I could actually create neat little in-game cut-scenes using the sprite-based renderer.

New YouTube channel for demos

I've set up a new YouTube channel for video demos of the game engine! Go and take a look at them: